The Branches of Time (Book Review)

NOTE: I received this book free from the author requesting an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's rules and guidelines.

The Branches of Time by Luca Rossi takes the reader on a sci-fi, fantasy adventure.  I am not a huge fan of this genre, but the theme of time travel in the novel sparked my interest.

The Branches of Time by Luca Rossi

When nearly the entire population of an isolated island is demolished by black magic, the three lone survivors are forced to uncover the mystery that led to their island's protective barrier failing them. The people fled Isk  two thousand years earlier and have been living peacefully ever since. That is, however, until the dreaded day when a stone shower rains upon them. The three survivors, the priestess, Miril, along with a married couple, Bashinior and Lil, must fight the destructive mission of Beanor, the King of Isk, and his wizards if they are to survive and rebuild.  The relationships between these three characters was interesting to follow.

Taking us back to events some two thousand years earlier, The Branches of Time reminds us just how fragile life's path is and  how one simple alteration can change the entire course of existence. The theory of "branches of time" is very intriguing and will grab the interest of the readers as will the several twists and unexpected turns. 

"Life gives us gifts and brings us pain when we least expect it." ~ The Branches of Time

The only facet of the novel I strongly disliked was the so-called "erotic" scenes involving King Beanor and his many wives and prostitutes. Rossi makes it clear early on that Beanor is a foul-mouthed and ruthless leader with an insatiable appetite for sex and the degradation of women, which will be his downfall.  The sex scenes are degrading and violent and could easily be described as offensive and gratuitous, but not erotic. Even though the author attempts to give readers an excuse for such behaviors by giving us a glimpse of Beanor's loveless childhood, the overall theme spills over into other male characters. 

It took me several chapters to really become engrossed in the story, but once I did, I was curious to see how it ended.  Unfortunately, the novel ended suddenly and, only then, did I realize this was Volume One and the story will be continued in a subsequent book or series. Due to the violent sexual content, I will only suggest The Branches of Time for mature fans of sci-fi fantasy.

Read more of my Book Reviews.


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