Upcoming Reviews and Current Projects

With so much going on, I am happy I can occasionally get back to my blog - even if just for a quick post or update. I am thrilled to have on deck Lost on the Water, the fifth novel by D.G. Driver I will be reading and reviewing, available now on Amazon.

I am also currently a beta reader and copy editor for the first short story in a sci-fi series called Vindicta, by newcomer T.J. McBride. If the first draft is any indication of this young author's talent, I can confidently say he will go far. For updates on release dates, follow him on Instagram at @author_mcbride.  

Finally, I am reading the happiest book on the planet, 365 Days of Happiness, by Jacqueline Pirtle, also available on Amazon. I am on Day 46 of Pirtle's positive energy and daily tips for reflecting on one's happiness. A five minute read right before bed is exactly what it takes to refocus your view on life. Day 38 particularly spoke to me................

So, check back soon for new book reviews and updates! The best way to not miss a post is to subscribe via email (left sidebar). 

Read more of my Book Reviews.

NOTE: I received 365 Days of Happiness and Lost on the Water free from the authors requesting an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's rules and guidelines.


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