An Imaginative Series: Part IV of The Giver Quartet (Book Review)

I concluded The Giver quartet by Lois Lowry finishing up with Son last night. Since I've already reviewed Messenger and touched on The Giver in the movie review, this will not be a detailed book review.  However, I do want to take the time to say that I thought this was a beautifully written series and highly imaginative.  I loved how the first two books, The Giver and Gathering Blue, are separate stories that then come together in the third and fourth novels.  Each one is so unique and different -yet Lowry connects them all so creatively.

Son was different than I expected because it goes back to the beginning. Although, we are now seeing the events through Claire's, Gabriel's birthmother, perspective, who offers another strong female protagonist to the series. Perhaps because I am a mother, but Claire's story was touching and one I'm glad Lowry decided to tell.  Son is divided into three separate "books" that mark the different time frames of the story ending with the present where the reader is reunited with favorite characters from the first three novels.  I really enjoyed learning the fates of all these characters and watching them grow up and grow old.

I recommend this series to fans of young adult fantasy novels.  In my previous review, I stated that Messenger was my favorite in the series.  Now, I will put Son right up there with it.

Read more of my Book Reviews.


  1. Maybe, someday I will have time to read them...


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