Why You Should Let Your Children See You Dance

Throughout their childhood, it is imperative that you let your children see the free spirit inside of you, even if it embarrasses them.

The older you get the more you experience certain things that take you back to another place or time. A smell that reminds you of your aunt's musty basement and all the afternoons you spent playing down there. A vine tomato that brings you back to your grandparents' garden on a hot summer's day. A song that takes you back to high school, riding in your friend's car, windows down, music turned way up, young and carefree.

I have been known to torture my sons with old music often. For those that follow me on Twitter, you may remember the "Bohemian Rhapsody" moment in my car not too long ago. There I was dancing and singing along with Queen while my sons begged me to let them change the station, lowering themselves in their seats to avoid being seen. 

Yesterday morning I had David Bowie's "Starman" in my head. I was quietly singing to myself when my youngest woke up and came into the kitchen. "Mom, what ARE you singing? Whatever it is, please stop," he begged. 

Stop singing??  Me?? Never going to happen.  Seriously, when will they learn?

So with my oldest still asleep in his bed, I pulled the song up on my phone and on the highest volume possible I played - in it's entirety I may add - this favorite Bowie song of mine.

My oldest came downstairs grumbling; my youngest sat at the kitchen counter trying to eat while covering his ears.


Well, I sang along with Bowie and danced like no one was watching.  And, when it was finally over (much to the relief of my sons) I stopped and stared at the two of them and thought how amazing was that moment. Without them knowing, I had given them a memory of me they will have forever. Sure it may lie dormant in their brains for a while, but one day, probably when they are adults themselves, and maybe after I am long gone from this world, that song will pop on the radio and they will recall that morning and will once again see me dancing and hear me singing, and, just perhaps, they will smile.  

Only then will they realize the true lesson I was giving them - be yourself no matter what anyone says or thinks. Sing when you want; dance even when you are being watched. And NEVER let anyone crush your spirit.


  1. Hi Nikki! "dance like no one is watching" should be a theme to live by. Glad I stopped by. Great post.

    Diane Lynn

    1. Thanks for reading and your kind words, Diane!

    2. Agree with you,I only hope my children will remember some of the stories I've told them....

    3. I am sure they will. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. Dance like nobody is watching. I mortify our daughter also, daily. Great post!

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Dance on!!

  3. I love this!! And I agree!! I always dance around my kids and encourage the to do it with me....its one of those memories i have that still make me smile when i think of my mom : )

    1. Thanks for reading, Jeanette. I love these everyday simple moments that become so much more!

    2. You are a kindred soul. My kids tell me they don't know too many people their age which is 25 and 30 that knows all the rock and roll songs:)

    3. Yes, I know old and new music - but they don't want me dancing or singer to either! LOL.

  4. I am not a mom, but as I like both singing and dancing, I could see myself doing this as a parent. Maybe this applies to aunthood as well? :)

    1. Absolutely, giving those you love real, genuine moments of yourself to remember and the lesson is the same - be yourself. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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