Staying Goal-Oriented

My sons have survived the first three weeks of the new school year and I've survived the first three weeks of my new life.  The first two weeks seemed unorganized and a bit hectic. They were filled with errands and chores that I put off until my sons were back in school.  Those first two weeks left me wondering if I was actually going to have any time to work on MY goals during this hiatus.

So, I re-evaluated my calendar and responsibilities and last week I finally felt like I had a grasp on my new routine - although, I'll admit, it's a work in progress.  The key is to have a plan, make to-do lists, and map out errands based on location in town.  By being more time conscious, last week was happily filled with volunteer work, normal household duties, and even some wonderful, quality me-time.  I even allowed one entire day to hang out in my pajamas and finish the book I was having trouble finding the time to complete.  I managed to stay organized and managed my time much better. Allowing room for the the inevitable hiccup or two helped keep the stress levels down, too.

As a mom, it's easy to put the needs of my children ahead of my own.  To avoid putting my goals on the back burner, I realize I am going to have to consciously schedule time to actually work on them in addition to the daily grind. I'll need to set aside time to post new blogs, get my workouts in, and explore new interests.

To help keep everything in check, I'm encouraging myself by acknowledging daily accomplishments no matter how small.  I'm committed to outlining my daily routine the night before ensuring a balance between the mundane tasks and rejuvenating personal time.  By not making myself feel I have to do it all in one day, I am more relaxed and I'm enjoying the time much more.  I'm learning to accept my limitations, remain flexible, and make it a point to fit in time for family and friends.  I'm looking forward to another great week!

Read more of my blog here


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