Exercise Results Through Osmosis?

My son walked in on me perusing my Pinterest Board entitled "Get Fit Now."  It is a great board filled with tons of workouts, healthy eating tips, and motivational fitness quotes. You should really check it out. After you finish reading this post, of course. 

The problem is, while I like to pin to this board and even glance back at the various exercises from time to time, I rarely use them. Sure, when I first created the board I did (a little), but as with most of my fitness endeavors, that didn't last long.  As I've been told, they aren't going to work via osmosis.

Damn it!

I jokingly turned to my son and said, "I really need to start doing some of these. Walking just isn't cutting it."

"How about no phone until you've done 30 minutes of exercise," he suggested.

WHAT? Who asked this kid, anyway?  "No - next suggestion please."

He walked over to my monitor and pointed to this pin.

Exhibit A

We both started laughing.

"Okay, okay," I said. "Go ahead and pick one out for me and that's the one I'll do today. Just make sure it is a routine that will work my arms, chest, stomach, lower abs, hips, butt, and/or thighs. Don't worry about my feet, they're good."  He giggled.

While I went in the other room to make his breakfast, he scrolled through all my fitness pins. (Probably more than necessary, but considering the number of photos of amazingly fit, scantily clad women, I can't blame him.) Bet you want to check that board out now, huh?

He finally called to me, "Found one, mom!"

Exhibit B

My jaw dropped when I saw the one he chose (see Exhibit B). Oh geez, not THAT one. It was a workout I've actually done in the past, with zero enjoyment I may add. I tried to convince him to pick another one, but he once again referred to Exhibit A above.  Gggrrrrrr.

"I got you there? Huh, mom?"

"FINE! I'll do it," I conceded.

And complete it, I did. (Confession - minus the burpees, maybe next time. I wanted to be able to get out of bed the next day.)
But tomorrow, I'm picking my routine - provided I can even walk.  At the very least I will be certain to pin more workouts!  You know, for the next time my son calls me out on my non-existent fitness routine.


  1. One of the best ways to get in shape is to tattle on yourself. The more people who know you are working on it the more people to call you on your BS lol

  2. an interesting work out theme - thanks for posting

  3. Ha! Funny! Yeah, your son got you there, Nikki. ;-)

    I'm sure it's said somewhere, deciding to get/stay fit is half the battle; the other half is doing it. I think it's the second half that often makes people not wanna bother with the first. But as one who's worked out all my life, it's really worth it. Once you get into a consistent routine of exercising properly, it becomes self-motivating.

    1. I know I know.....in my twenties I lived and breathed working out. Then, injuries from a car accident, then marriage and children......and well, now, old age - have left me less than enthusiastic about it all. I have been walking regularly for a while, but needed to step it up just a bit. Thanks for reading and commenting.


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